Privacy Statement

Henry Butcher Art Auctioneers value your privacy and strives to protect your personal data in Compliance with the laws in Malaysia.

We will only collect and use your personal data in accordance with such laws (including the Personal Data Protection Act 2010), your personal information in our database will be safeguarded and will not be shared without your consent.


1. Collection and Processing of Personal Data

We hereby inform you that we, Henry Butcher Art Auctioneers will collect, record, hold, store, use, disclose, and/or process (collectively referred to as “Process”) one, or all of the following categories and/or types of personal information about you:

(a) Master data: name, gender, date of birth, citizenship, marital status, nationality, race, ethnic origin, identification card/passport details, qualifications, occupation, photographs or other images, and voice recordings;
(b) Contact details: home address, home phone number and mobile number, email address, work address, work number;
(c) Any such information as we deem necessary or appropriate from time to time in connection with your commercial relationship with us. (collectively as “Personal Data”).

To the extent that you willfully and voluntarily disclose to us any personal information whether or not coming within the definition of Personal Data above, of any individual, we shall assume, without independent verification, that you have obtained such individual’s consent for the disclosure as well as the Processing of the same in accordance with the terms of this notification.


2. Sources of Information

Your Personal Data has and/or will be obtained from the following sources, where applicable, or such other sources which we may see fit from time to time:

(a) Information provided or submitted by you through among others, as applicable the registration form (including but not limited to via email, facsimile, manual submission, online), sales form, webpage and etc;
(b) as applicable, publicly available or publicly accessible information;
(c) such other written or verbal communications or documents delivered to us prior to and during the course of our contractual or pre-contractual dealing with you;and
(d) through your verbal and/or written communications with us and/or our authorised agents.

As the accuracy of your Personal Data depends largely on the information you provide to us, kindly inform us soonest possible if there are any errors in your Personal Data or if there have been any changes to your Personal Data.


3. How We Use Your Personal Data

We may use your Personal Data for one or more of the following purposes:

(a) to establish your identity and background;
(b) to better manage our business and your relationship with us;
(c) to respond to your enquiries and complaints and to generally resolve disputes;
(d) to update, consolidate and improve the accuracy of our records;
(e) to deliver notices, services or products to you;
(f) to send you invitations and promotional materials;
(h) for research, benchmarking, and statistical analysis purposes; and/or
(i) for any other purpose that is required or permitted by any law, regulations, guidelines and/or relevant regulatory authorities. (collectively as “Purposes”).


4. Security And Retention Of Your Personal Data

Information is our asset and therefore we place great importance on ensuring the security of your personal data. We regularly review and implement up-to-date technical and organisational security measures when processing your personal data. Our employees are trained to handle the personal data securely and with utmost respect, failing which they may be subject to disciplinary action.

We may retain the Personal Data and that of other individuals that you provide to us for a reasonable period in accordance with commercial requirements and at all times subject to prevailing legal requirements.


5. Disclosure

Personal Data provided to us will, generally, be kept confidential but you hereby consent and authorised us to provide and/or disclose your personal data to the following categories or parties:

(a) companies and/or organisations within Henry Butcher Group;
(b) companies and/or organisations that act as our agents and/or professional advisers;
(c) your advisers ( including but not limited to accountants, auditors, lawyers, financial advisers or other professional advisers) where authorised by you;
(d) the police or any public officer conducting an investigation in connection with any offence including suspected offences;
(e) any person to whom we are compelled or required to do so under law or in response to a legitimate instruction from a competent or government agency;
(f) pursuant to an order of a court of competent jurisdiction; and/or
(g) our appointed service providers in relation of our loyalty programs, for the purpose of delivery of gift redemption and services.

Please rest assured that consistent with the law, we will only disclose the minimum amount of information which we deem necessary for the Purpose and that we will take all appropriate safeguards to ensure the integrity and security of the Personal Data.


6. Safeguards

We shall keep and Process your Data in a secure manner. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that such information is kept confidential. We will not sell, rent or trade your Personal Data. We endeavor where applicable, to implement the legally mandated and/or appropriate administrative and security safeguards and procedures in accordance with the applicable law and regulations in order to prevent the unauthorised or unlawful processing of your Personal Data and the accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, your Personal Data.


7. Data Transfer And Sharing

You will appreciate that the nature of our services are such that it may be necessary, where we consider it appropriate, for the purposes of data storage or Processing or providing any services or product on our behalf to you, to transfer your Personal Data to our affiliates and/or associated companies and/or third party service or product providers within or outside the country in which we are established, under conditions of confidentiality and similar levels of safeguards.


8. Impact Resulting From Failure To Supply And Consent To The Processing Of Personal Data

It is obligatory for you to provide all of the categories of Personal Data which we request from you for the said Purpose. Failure to supply and consent to the Processing of the Personal Data in relation to the Purpose will;

(a) result in us being unable to provide you with information, notices, services and/or products requested;
(b) result in us becoming unable us and/or our selected authorised third parties to send you information by email. Tele-communication means (telephone calls and text messages) or via social media concerning related and unrelated services offered by us and our affiliated business partners which we consider will or may interest you.


9. Your Rights To Correct Your Personal Data

We can assist you to correct your Personal Data held by us. If any of your information is incorrect or incomplete, the correction will be done without any charges and you may submit your request in writing specifying the incorrect information and the correct information for us to replace it with.

Please include the following in your written request which can be used to identify you such as Name, NRIC, and etc.

However, if you wish to be excluded from our database or request for correction of your Personal Data, please do not hesitate to contact us at 03-26913089 or by email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or visit us at No.14, Jalan Yap Ah Shak Off Jalan Dang Wangi, 50300 Kuala Lumpur.